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Having anxiety can really make your life hard. On top of any problems you’re encountering, your mind just won’t shut up about your concerns. Do you just feel anxious about some things, or are you experiencing an actual anxiety disorder? As a board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Ifeanyi Olele of Genesis Psychiatric...
There’s no reason to distrust your current psychiatrist. After all, they have years of training and are committed to your care. But sometimes a psychiatrist and patient aren’t the perfect fit. If you feel that something is off, you don’t accept the diagnosis, or you feel the treatment isn’t helping,...
An estimated 2-3% of American adults are affected by obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Roughly half of known patients have symptoms that are severe and can disrupt their lives significantly if left untreated. As a board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Ifeanyi Olele of Genesis Psychiatric Solutions creates customized treatment plans for patients with...
Nearly 9 out of 10 American adults said that they felt overwhelmed by the holiday season last year. This holiday season, plan ahead to care for your mental health, and consider giving yourself the most meaningful gift of all. At Genesis Psychiatric Solutions, board-certified psychiatrist Dr. Ifeanyi Olele provides psychiatric...
You might shy away from seeking help for psychiatric conditions because you’re worried about the addictive nature of some medications. In reality, only a few types of medications have the potential for unhealthy dependency, and the benefits outweigh the risks for informed patients. At Genesis Psychiatric Solutions, board-certified psychiatrist Dr....
As the weather grows colder and the sun begins to disappear earlier in the day, you might find these seasonal changes begin to affect your mood. The darkness and cold have a way of compounding stress, especially as you approach the holidays and the end of the year. If you...
When it comes to adolescent mental health, there’s a lot that can get lost in translation. Many children and teenagers don’t know how to approach the topic, while parents and doctors might chalk up their issues to growing pains and teenage hormones. For young people struggling with their mental health,...
If a loved one has recently suffered a miscarriage, you might be unsure how to approach it. It’s not uncommon for people to misunderstand the situation, making it difficult to provide comfort. With understanding and empathy, you can make life after miscarriage easier and encourage their recovery. At Genesis Psychiatric...
Most people have heard about premenstrual syndrome (PMS), but that’s not the worst thing that can happen before your period. An even more severe form of premenstrual discomfort, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), can take you from monthly symptoms like bloating and moodiness to terrible bouts of pain and fatigue, affecting...
Even if you haven’t given birth yet, you can begin experiencing low moods and anxiety in anticipation of impending parenthood. Fortunately, this gives you more time to find help before the baby arrives. Here are some key symptoms of prenatal depression, and how to recognize the condition before it becomes...
If you’re struggling with your emotions following the birth of your baby, don’t let anyone convince you that it’s stress, hormones, or hysteria. A specialist can diagnose your condition and whether it’s temporary “baby blues” or the more serious postpartum depression. At Genesis Psychiatric Solutions, board-certified psychiatrist Dr. Ifeanyi Olele...
Plenty of people experience anxiety for years before realizing that it’s interfering with their lives. You can suffer symptoms without recognizing them, especially if you’ve been having anxiety for much of your life. Certain patterns of thinking can feel inescapable or central to your personality, but treatment and therapy can...
Few people feel comfortable sharing their feelings with strangers, but therapy can provide an outlet for fears and anxiety, a healthy way to build coping skills, and clarity about your condition(s). If you’re concerned about burdening or worrying friends and family, talking things out with a therapist can help you...
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...
Like other mental illnesses, bipolar disorder is shrouded in harmful stereotypes and misconceptions. These not only hurt those suffering from bipolar disorder, but make it difficult for others to recognize symptoms in themselves or loved ones without feeling shame or distrust. To clear the air and make space for bipolar...
From the outside looking in, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) can be frustrating to understand, and you might find it difficult to positively engage with your loved one. OCD doesn’t always manifest in innocuous ways like cleaning, sorting objects, or giving in to what appear to be superstitions, but can become...
Your mental health is affected by many different factors, from age and family history to your gender. Just as men are more vulnerable to certain health issues, so are women. While anyone can develop one of these mental health conditions, women should be especially aware of signs that mental health...
Just as depression can cause poor sleep and mood swings, it can also lead to changes in your diet. But everyone is affected by depression differently, and this is especially true when it comes to food. Some people may begin to overeat, while others may forget or skip meals entirely....
It’s estimated that 3.5% of the American population struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) annually. Originally, PTSD was a stand-in for the terms “shell-shock” and “battle fatigue” and typically applied to veterans of wars who returned home with trauma-related symptoms. But we understand now that PTSD can arise from a...
Nearly one in 10 children in the United States has a diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and an estimated one in 20 American adults also struggles with this disorder. Medication may make it easier to focus, but changing lifestyle habits to support mental health can also help. Do you suspect that you or your child is...
You’ve undoubtedly heard about premenstrual syndrome (PMS), but the severe form of the condition, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), has gotten less attention. PMDD includes intense physical and mental symptoms that can make it difficult to get through every month, especially if you suffer from heavy periods. The pain, fatigue, frustration, and other...
After you receive a diagnosis of social anxiety, your behaviors and personal struggles might begin to make more sense. But you need more than a diagnosis if you want to see improvement. A specialist can help you determine how your anxiety manifests, how to cope with anxious thoughts, and how...
Have you been seeing a psychiatrist, but aren’t improving? Do you think the lack of results could be due to a misdiagnosis or a plan of treatment that is ill-advised for you? If so, you may want to consider a second option. As a board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Ifeanyi Olele of...
Like many other mental illnesses, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is shrouded in misinformation and misrepresentation, causing confusion and guilt for those who actually experience OCD. If you’re having intrusive thoughts and compulsions that make it difficult to get through the day, consult an expert who can determine whether OCD is behind those...
When it comes to mental disorders like bipolar disorder, the patient isn’t the only one affected. Manic episodes can cause unpredictable and dangerous behavior, while depressive episodes can lead to lethargy and even suicidal ideation. If you have concerns about a loved one’s mental state, the safest way to help...
Depression can hamper your ability to function at work, school, or home. It can also destroy relationships and affect your social interaction. But depression isn’t always that drastic in the beginning. Subtle signs may be early warnings that depression is creeping up on you. At Genesis Psychiatric Solutions, board-certified psychiatrist...
Mental health conditions can affect different people in different ways, and each person may need their own uniquely tailored medication regimen to control symptoms and provide relief. One factor that can affect which medications work best for you is your genetic makeup. As a board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Ifeanyi Olele of Genesis Psychiatric Solutions sees...
Roughly 2-3% of American adults are affected by obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). One out of two patients have severe enough symptoms that their condition causes significant disruption to their lives. As a board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Ifeanyi Olele of Genesis Psychiatric Solutions creates customized treatment plans for patients with OCD, with...
Over the past few years, the world has changed how it does almost everything, from ordering groceries online, to working remotely, to receiving health care services via telemedicine. As a board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Ifeanyi Olele of Genesis Psychiatric Solutions offers telepsychiatry appointments so you can take advantage of mental health...
Does it feel like anxiety is ruining your life? Have you been taking medication, but it feels like you need something more? It might be that psychotherapy can help you get past the blocks that are preventing you from maintaining a healthy baseline, so you can live the life you...
Depression can be crippling, not just when it comes to mental and emotional health, but physically. It can affect every aspect of a person’s life, at school, at home, at work, and at play. If you’re worried your teen is suffering from depression, there are ways to help. At Genesis Psychiatric...
Even though you might not know it by its name, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) could be the cause of your heavy periods, extreme pain, and mental anguish at “that time of the month.” As a board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Ifeanyi Olele of Genesis Psychiatric Solutions offers a range of treatments for women’s mental health issues, including PMDD, which...
Anxiety can range from a feeling of mild alarm or nervousness that is hard to dispel to causing near panic attacks when in stressful situations. Aside from these better-known signs of anxiety, there are plenty of more subtle signs that could point to an issue centered around an anxiety disorder. As...
Awareness surrounding attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been growing, leading many parents to wonder if their child is at risk. It’s not known what causes ADHD, but certain factors can contribute to its development. If you have concerns about your child’s behavior, getting them assessed for ADHD might shed some light on what...
If you’re struggling with your mental health, whether it’s low-level anxiety that never really goes away, obsessive behaviors you can’t shake, or a severe mental illness, psychotherapy can help. As a board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Ifeanyi Olele of Genesis Psychiatric Solutions offers psychotherapy services at his offices in Fairfax and Alexandria, Virginia, as well as in Washington,...
If you have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), you’re probably tired of hearing people talk as if they have OCD over perfectly ordinary quirks of their own. In reality, OCD is a condition that varies widely among patients and even for one patient over the course of their life. As a...
Having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is bad enough, but anxiety on top of that can be like salt in a wound. You’re already having trouble staying focused and getting things done, and now you’re a nervous wreck over it. How many things can go wrong? If you have ADHD and think...
The symptoms of bipolar disorder are difficult to recognize, both in yourself and your loved ones. You can better recognize and understand these behaviors once you’ve discerned what kind of bipolar disorder is causing them. But the differences can be subtle, and you need a professional to make a proper...
Psychiatrists have to go through years of training to earn the right to practice. And while you should place some degree of trust in your psychiatrist’s experience and education, you may reach the point when a different approach could be beneficial. Here are some signs that you should seek out...
The negative effects of depression on your general health are undeniable. Mood swings, food and water intake, level of physical activity, blood pressure, immune system, and heart rate, can all be affected. But did you know that depression can also affect your sleep patterns? At Genesis Psychiatric Solutions, board-certified psychiatrist...
A little anxiety is normal, especially before or after a stressful situation. On a larger scale, plenty of people are feeling anxious over current events. But it’s important to recognize when your nerves are getting to you and when to seek help from a professional. If you suspect that you...
Do you have a terrible time every month in advance of your period? You could have premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a condition thought to affect as many as three out of four women at some point in their lifetime. Many of the symptoms affect your mental health, so seeing a...
Sports can be physically, mentally, and emotionally hard on an athlete, and psychiatry can be a helpful tool to improve performance. Sports psychiatrists focus on improving the athlete’s mental state, both on and off the field. As a board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Ifeanyi Olele of Genesis Psychiatric Solutions offers psychotherapy (talk...
Talking to a mental health professional over the phone is not a new concept. It takes the pressure off, saves time you might have spent commuting, and helps you get more out of your appointments. Regardless of your reason for choosing telepsychiatry, you should select your provider wisely and find...
Returning back to school can cause many stressors to students in all levels of education from elementary to graduate school especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. A person’s angst can stem from a variety of sources such as wearing masks, getting vaccinated, being around others who are not vaccinated, attending virtual...
Children’s emotions change as they age. We’ve all heard about the terrible twos and teenage angst. But the emotional shifts in adolescents go deeper than that. As a board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Ifeanyi Olele of Genesis Psychiatric Solutions can help you navigate the emotional ups and downs your adolescent may be...
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) affects almost 2.5% of American adults, and for half of patients, the symptoms are significant enough to severely disrupt their lives. As a board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Ifeanyi Olele of Genesis Psychiatric Solutions in McLean, Virginia, and Washington, DC, provides comprehensive care plans for patients suffering from...
Nearly one in 10 children has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), often manifesting in difficulty focusing on simple daily tasks, in behavior problems in school, and in social awkwardness. In contrast, less than 5% of adults are diagnosed with ADHD. But this number may be low because many adults are...
Mind over matter is usually used to explain people accomplishing great physical feats, like lifting cars or persevering through serious injuries. But this phrase can also be used to describe the negative effects of depression on your overall health. Depression can affect your energy levels, sleep schedule, and even your...
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health issue for Americans, affecting 40 million adults every year. Unfortunately, just over a third of those affected are seeking or receiving treatment for their anxiety. As a board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Ifeanyi Olele of Genesis Psychiatric Solutions in McLean, Virginia and Washington, DC,...
To say that bipolar disorder dramatically changes your life and throws substantial challenges into your path doesn’t begin to describe life with this condition. When you have bipolar disorder, you don’t know when your mood might change or if you’ll find yourself in a manic or depressive episode. Dr. Ifeanyi...
Have you ever felt any symptoms of social anxiety? Have you ever felt nervous while going to public places or public gatherings? Have you ever been anxious and full of fear at going to congregations or meetings? Have you ever been tense while interacting with people in your social circle?...
2020 has been an unprecedented time. The pandemic has taken a lot from all of us. Many of us have lost loved ones, jobs, and businesses. We may have seen our own physical and mental health become compromised. We naturally want to be surrounded by the people we love...
I wanted to discuss with you about a disorder that affects many children, adolescents, and adults, Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, better known as ADHD. ADHD affects a person's home, social, academic, and occupational functioning. ADHD comprises of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. In regards to inattention, a person may struggle from making...
This COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenge to our social wellness. Many people are feeling lonely because they cannot interact with family members, friends, or even co-workers and this has affected their mental health. If you're thinking about somebody, text message them, call them, or even start up a video...
I want to talk to you about a topic that's on everybody's mind, the election. Whether you're a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, you have something at stake. This election is causing a lot of anxiety for a lot of reasons, and I wanted to talk to you about different tips...
In the black community, the past few weeks have been stress and anxiety-producing in regards to the safety of Black men. We got to worry about shopping while Black, driving while Black, and now even jogging while Black, on top of all the COVID-19 stressors. When I was watching that...
Reducing stress of working parents in times of pandemic (covid-19) Covid-19 has caused chaos all over the globe. It is becoming difficult to cope with it by each passing day. COVID-19 has caused schools to shut down . The school closings has created undue stress for working parents. The balancing...
COVID-19 has effected the lives of everyone especially students. Thousands of students who registered for SAT, MCAT, LSAT, GMAT, and other professional exams, are stressed out because their exams have been postponed. Although these closures are for their good, students feel mentally drained and have only one question in mind;...
I recently read an article on CNN about an ER physician that died by suicide. This hits close to home, as many healthcare workers enter the field because they're compassionate and want to serve patients. This pandemic, however, has brought a lot of overwhelming stress for people with underlying mental...
I get many questions from people asking how can they deal with this COVID-19 anxiety that they’re experiencing. “What can I do to be safe?” Safety from COVID-19 is within our own control. We can practice social distancing, making sure we’re maintaining good hygiene such as washing our hands, cleaning...
Many people are struggling with isolation and boredom during the COVID-19 pandemic. Given these circumstances, some people may fall into symptoms of loneliness and depression. Those who have dealt with mental illness or past addictions may fear relapse or a return of symptoms. These challenging times have required people to...
According the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Agency (SAMHSA), 1.3 million US adults attempted suicide, 2.8 million US adults devised a suicide plan, and 9.8 million had serious thoughts of committing suicide. Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States. There are many factors...
An estimated 17.3 million Americans have had at least one major depressive episode. Data from the Substance Abuse Mental Health Service Agency (SAMHSA) found that 8.7% of females and 5.3% of males have struggled with Major Depressive Disorder in 2017. The prevalence of this disorder was highest among those aged...
It’s one of the most watched events in America, seen my millions of people! It’s invigorating and exciting! It’s ground shaking and monumental! It’s the Superbowl!!! While it’s exciting for those off the field, those on the field may struggle with anxiety before and during the big game. Performance anxiety...
It has become very easy for us all to compare ourselves with others. We cannot escape the comparisons with family members, friends, schoolmates, co-workers, and neighbors. In addition to being compared with people in your community, school, and/or job, we have access to social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and...
This year major media outlets take into account about what took place in 2019 and 2010s. The evaluators reflect on the best moments of the year and decade. We have top 10 moments, best event, and whatever "best_______" of the the time period. We also have the opportunity to do...
Purpose is what gets us up in the morning every day. A lot of my patients that are struggling with mental illness question their purpose in life. Sometimes your stressors can make you feel hopeless and there's no limits to your struggles. However, your purpose cannot be blocked by your...
Recently there has been a movement in favor of people promoting their self- care. It is important to focus on the mind, body, and spirit as ways to elevate your self-care. These 3 components each can have very powerful effects when nurtured and tended to. Below are some tips that...
Anxiety is a natural response to stress. Stress spikes, and you become anxious as fear or apprehension can set in. An estimated 40 million people suffer with an anxiety disorder called Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) or social anxiety disorder. During the holidays, people can see a spike in anxiety due...
You have an upcoming appointment with your new psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner. You are hoping to be placed on good medication regimen to help eliminate or reduce your psychiatric symptoms. To help with your initial psychiatric evaluation I would like to discuss the importance of knowing your past and...
There are people who suffer in silence because of the way they feel about their appearance. The person will be preoccupied about physical flaws that only they observe. Others may see the perceived physical flaw that is plaguing the person as minor or insignificant. This disorder is known as Body...
Receiving a diagnosis of cancer can be devastating news for a patient and their family. Lots of thoughts can be scrambling through a person's mind such as "Why me?" , "How did this happen?" or "Am I going to die?". Patients will be consumed with thoughts about their prognosis, type...
As the saying goes, your health is your wealth. It is important to maintain a good weight, eat well, and exercise. Conditions such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia can develop from poor health habits. A declining physical health can become a contributor to poor mental health. Self-care is very...
Congrats on your engagement! You have found that special person who completes you. Both of you are about to begin a brand new journey in your lives. To culminate your commitment to each other, you will celebrate this moment by having a wedding. This is one of the most beautiful...
During the holidays and summer time, many families have the opportunity to get together and have reunions. This is a great time for many families to catch up because every one shares fun and epic stories of different relatives on the family tree. Some stories that sometimes get omitted...
When most people are searching for jobs, they tend to look for the one that has the best salary. This is important for most people because this creates opportunities to pay bills and relieve financial stressors. Job seekers who have mental illness tend to overlook the situations that offer the...
I have met plenty of patients who are dealing with their burdens of the world alone. This can be very overwhelming to a person who does not have a support system. The former surgeon general , Dr. Vivek Murthy has brought the topic of loneliness to the public consciousness due...
Pregancy is one of the most joyous times for soon to be parents. Mothers and fathers have daydream of how their child will be in the future. Parents are very excited about their child's life milestones and look forward to the opportunity to share their world with their child. Unfortunately,...
I was on a recent international flight and to make use of my time like most passengers, I used that opportunity to catch up on some movies. One of the movies that caught my attention was the Golden Globe and Academy Award nominated movie “A Star is Born.” The cast headlined by Bradley...
Causes of Workplace Violence: Stress, conflict, and customers who feel they have been wronged can all lead to potentially violent outbursts in the workplace. Generally, workplace violence is the result of stress—either stress from work, or stress from outside of work that is brought with the worker into the work...
Sеаѕоnаl depression оссurѕ in the winter tіmе and results frоm the реrѕіѕtеnt glооmіnеѕѕ thаt sets іn wіth thе onset оf lоngеr nights, соldеr wеаthеr аnd the соnfіnеmеnt tо indoor spaces. The mооd thаt оnе fееlѕ саn bе dіrесtlу linked tо the сhеmіѕtrу іn thе brаіn. Anу іmbаlаnсе оf chemicals саn...
Studies estimate 1 in 4 teens have been impacted by cyber bullying in the past 12 months. This bullying, which takes place online, is a form of teenage violence that can leave a lasting negative impact on adolescents. Learning to recognize the signs of cyber bullying, and the technology that...
Anxiety is a natural response to stress. Stress spikes, and you become anxious as fear or apprehension sets in. An estimated 40 million people suffer with an anxiety disorder called Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) or social anxiety disorder. The government shutdown has caused a spike in the level of panic...